AML Policy

AML Policy

Our AML Policy.
For further explanations please contact our Compliance Department: compliance@MyWalletExcom.



The phrase “money laundering” covers all procedures to conceal the origins of criminal proceeds so that they appear to originate from a legitimate source.

MyWalletEx (EWALLETEX LTD OÜ - “Company”) aims to detect, manage and mitigate the risks associated with money laundering and the financing of terrorism.

The Company has introduced strict policy aimed on the detection, risk prevention or mitigation in respect of any suspicious activities performed by customers.

The Company is required to constantly monitor its level of exposure to the risk of moneylaundering and the financing of terrorism.

The Company believes that if it knows its client well and understands its instructions thoroughly, it will be better placed to assess risks and spot suspicious activities.


Effective Customer Due Diligence (”CDD”) measures are essential to the management of money laundering and terrorist financing risk. CDD means identifying the customer and verifying their true identity on the basis of documents, data or information both at the moment of starting a business relationship with customer and on an ongoing basis.

The customer identification and verification procedures require, first, the collection of data and, second, attempts to verify that data.

During the registration process an individual customers provide the following identification information to the Company:

- Customer's full name;

- Customer's date of birth;

- Country of residence/location of customer;

- Mobile telephone number and e-mail.

During the my MyWalletEx registration process a corporate customers provide the following identification information to the Company:

- Full company name;

- Registration number and date;

- Country of registration/incorporation;

- Registered address;

- Mobile telephone number and e-mail.

After receiving the identification information the Company’s staff should verify this information requesting the appropriate documents.

Appropriate documents for verifying the identity of customer include, but are not limited to, the following:

For an individual customer: A high resolution scanned copy or photo of pages of a passport or any orther national ID, indicating family name and name(s), date and place of birth, passport-number, issue and expiry dates, country of issue and Client’s signature.;

For a corporate customer: a high-resolution copy of documents showing the existence of the entity, such as Certificate  of Incorporation, and, where   applicable, Certificate of Change of Name, Certificate of Good Standing, Articles of incorporation, a government issued business license (if applicable), etc.

To verify proof of address of the customer the Company requires one of the following to be provided, in the same correct name of the customer:

- A high-resolution copy of a utility bill (fixed-line phone, water, electricity) issued within the last 3 months ;

- A copy of a tax or rates bill from a local authority;  

- A copy of a bank statement (for a current account, deposit account or credit card account);

- A copy of a bank reference letter.

If an existing customer either refuses to provide the information described above or if a customer has intentionally provided misleading information, the Company, after considering the risks involved, will consider closing any of an existing customer’s account.

The Regulations measures require further research and identification of customers who may pose a potentially high risk of money laundering/terrorism financing. If the Company has assessed that the business relationship with a customer pose a high risk it will apply the following additional measures:

  • Obtaining the information relating to the source of the funds or the wealth of the customer will be required (this will be done  via e-mail or phone);

  • Seek further information from the customer or from Company’s own research and third party sources in order to clarify of update the customer’s information, obtain any further or additional information, clarify the nature and purpose of the customers transactions with Company.

When obtaining information to verify the customer’s statements about source of funds orwealth, the Company’s staff will most often ask for and scrutinise details of the person’s employment status or business/occupation. The Company’s staff will ask for whatever additional data or proof of that employment/occupation that may be deemed necessary in the situation, particularly the appropriate confirming documents (employment agreements, bank statements, letter from employer or business etc.).

The Company will conduct ongoing customer due diligence and account monitoring for all business relationships with customers. It particularly involves regularly reviewing and refreshing Company’s view of what its customers are doing, the level of risk they pose, and whether anything is inconsistent with information or beliefs previously held about the customer. It can also include anything that appears to be a material change in the nature or purpose of the customer’s business relationship with Company.

MyWalletEx Compliance Officer’s responsibilities include:

  • Ensuring the Company’s compliance with the requirements of the Regulations;Establishing an audit function to test its anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism procedures and systems;

  • Training employees to recognize suspicious transactions;

  • Receiving and investigating internal suspicious activity and transaction reports form staff and making reports to the Financial authorities where apporopriate :

  • Obtaining and updating international findings concerning countries with inadequate MyWalletEx systems, ,laws or measure



All Company employees, managers and directors must be aware of this policy. Employees,  managers  and  directors  who are  engaged  in MyWalletEx related  duties  must be  suitably vetted. This  includes  a  criminal  check  done  at  the  time  of  employment  and  monitoring  during employment. Any violation of this policy or an MyWalletEx program must be reported in confidence to the MyWalletEx Compliance Officer, unless  the  violation  implicates  the  MyWalletEx  Compliance  Officer,  in  which case  the employee  must  report  the violation to the Chief Executive Officer.Employees who work in areas that are susceptible to money laundering or financing terrorism schemes  must be  trained in how to comply with this  policy or the  MyWalletEx program.This includes knowing how to be alert to money laundering and terrorism financing risks and what to do once the risks are identified.


The Company elaborates internal regulatory documents required for fulfilment of this policy.

These internal regulatory documents determine duties and responsibility of the Company’s structural units and employees, as well as regulates specific actions. The Company independently improves its internal regulatory documents pursuant to legal acts of the international requirements in preventing the MyWalletEx risk.

Introduction of Customer Due Diligence activities is aimed at equipping the Company with authentic and properly documented data about the customer, their authorized representatives, and beneficial owners.

Depending on the MyWalletEx risk degree, the Company investigates specifics of the ic activity, origin of funds turning over on the Company’s money accounts, and the essence of transactions.

To achieve that, the internal regulatory documents determine:

Customer identification procedure (when, in what situations, and how the Company obtains and verifies each customer’s identity – initial, repeated, and current identification; additional caution measures for authentication of the customer’s identity data when establishing business relations with a customer who does not visit the Company in person (non face-to-face customers), procedure for accepting and processing identification documents, etc.); Procedure for determining customer MyWalletEx risk (investigation of determining possible MyWalletEx risk and adverse consequences, general principles for determining customer MyWalletEx risk and due diligence (risk management, identification, and customer residence (registration) country risk, (legal form and business type), products / services risk, risk-based customer due Diligence.

Customer due diligence procedure (risk profile and exceptions resulting therefrom for form and business type), products / services risk, risk-based customer due application of due diligence; customer due diligence prior to establishing business relations (decision making on establishment of business relations); customer due diligence during business relations (customer due diligence and responsibility for conduction thereof, applicable due diligence actions (including cooperation with other structural units);

Enhanced customer due diligence procedure; enhanced due diligence during usiness relations (customers who are subject to enhanced due diligence; actions to be taken enhanced due diligence provisions; precaution actions towards customers who undergo enhanced due ence; control and monitoring of the due diligence conducted by executive employees; identifying beneficial owners; requesting documents and customer explanations describing specifics of their economic activity; control actions to verify the customer’s provided information, etc.);

Relations with politically exposed persons (PEP) the Company determines methods used to detect a PEP, risk- based approach to investigating a PEP’s personal activ ity and ongoing monitoring; terminating business relations with the customer (decision making on terminating with balances on the customer’s accounts).

Requirements to store documents and information are aimed at determining a proced ure for storing data and documents obtained through customer identification and due diligence, as well as data and documents obtained through customer transaction monitoring.

The reporting obligation applies to cases when the Company has to inform certa in state institutions of unusual transactions and suspicious facts if the Company has reasonable concerns that money laundering or terrorist financing has been attempted or has or is taking place. For this purpose, intnal regulatory documents determine the following reporting procedure:

  • to public institutions;  

  • to the Company’s Board regarding AML risk management results, actions taken to   prevent responsibility; agent activity monitoring principles; procedure and reasons for terminating business realtions :

  • The internal regulatory documents also regulate:

  • use of agents in attraction of customers (agent selection criteria, agents’ rights, duties, andresponsibility; agent activity monitoring principles; procedure and reasons for terminating business relations):

  • training of the Company’s executive employees and testing their knowledge of MyWalletEx risk prevention.


The Company understands that the technical equipment and systems at its disposal should ensure analysis of customers’ transactions in the MyWalletEx risk prevention process to identify suspicious financial transactions, as well as application of OFAC and other filters and creation of the report database.

As to processing of data obtained in the MyWalletEx and terrorist financing prevention process, the Company ensures gradual transition to application of an automated system that would provide a comprehensive information volume about customers and updates there of.